Type Rating

Deliver the best type rating courses with our state-of-the-art simulators

Boost your type rating courses with our flight training devices (FTD) and Full Flight Simulators (FFS), and improve your ROI.  

Contact us to define which level of certification suits your training needs and budget.

Type Rating

Use an FSTD instead of the real aircraft according to the aircraft’s Operational Suitability Data (OSD) and the EASA Part-FCL.AMC2.FCL.725(a)

Difference course

Train Level D and E differences in FSTDs as stated in the EASA CS-FCD.415

Difference course

Train Level D and E differences in FSTDs

as stated in the EASA CS-FCD.415

Offload FFS hours

Reduce FFS time with other qualified FSTDs as described in the EASA Part-FCL. AMC2 ORA.AT0.125(j)