Train life-saving skills with our SAR solutions

Get immersed in search and rescue high resolution scenarios with entrol’s ENVISION image generator.

Tailored scenarios designed specifically for your mission and operational areas.

Spherical visual system

Land in hospitals and rescue areas thanks to its extended vertical field of view

Specific databases

Customized hospitals, obstacles and visual references

HEMS scenario

Specific databases

Customized hospitals, obstacles and visual references

Movement platforms

Feel the move during emergency situations

SAR scenarios

Various rescue areas such as mountain, road or sea

SAR scenarios

Various rescue areas such as mountain, road or sea

Hoist Operator Mixed Reality

Train coordination between mission members with VR/MR technology

NVIS technology

Master night mission with our NVIS technology

NVIS technology

Master night mission with our NVIS technology

SAR equipment

Specific SAR equipment and supplements to meet your helicopter configuration